Source: common/src/ConfigResponse.ts

import {
  type Address,
  type IntString,
  type NpmLogLevel
} from './types/Aliases'
import { type PaymasterType } from './environments/OfficialPaymasterDeployments'
import { type Environment } from './environments/Environments'
import { type EIP712Domain } from './EIP712/TypedRequestData'

export interface LoggerConfiguration {
  logLevel: NpmLogLevel
  loggerUrl?: string
  userId?: string
  applicationId?: string

export interface ConfigResponse {
  networks: Record<number, ConfigEntry>

export interface ConfigEntry {
  name: string
  gsnConfig: Partial<GSNConfig>

 * The interface describing all possible configuration parameters for a GSN Provider.
 * Note that you probably do not need to modify most of these parameters.
 * They exist to support all possible combinations of use-cases and networks.
export interface GSNConfig {
   * The list of Relay Server to be tried first.
   * Entries must be full Relay Servers URLs.
  preferredRelays: string[]

   * The list of Relay Server not to be used.
   * Entries must be either a host URL or a manager address.
  blacklistedRelays: string[]

   * In case of querying large block ranges is restricted, set limit and use pagination.
  pastEventsQueryMaxPageSize: number

   * When querying a large range with a small 'pastEventsQueryMaxPageSize' the number of pages may become insane.
  pastEventsQueryMaxPageCount: number

   * Allows the use of versioned methods, i.e. 'eth_signTypedData_v4'. Should be '_v4' for Metamask.
  methodSuffix: string

   * Should be 'true' for Metamask, false for Ganache.
  jsonStringifyRequest: boolean

   * The SemVer string defining which contracts versions are supported.
  requiredVersionRange?: string

   * Provider will forget the Relay Server failures that occurred more than 'relayTimeoutGrace' seconds ago.
  relayTimeoutGrace: number

   * The object representing configuration for remote logs collection service.
  loggerConfiguration?: LoggerConfiguration

   * The 'gasPrice'/'maxPriorityFeePerGas' reported by the network will be increased by this value, in percents.
  gasPriceFactorPercent: number

   * The Relay Client is allowed to accept a Relay Server that requires higher gas fees than originally proposed.
  gasPriceSlackPercent: number

   * If the calldata gas estimation is non-deterministic, as is the case on L2s, use a factor to supply some extra gas.
  calldataEstimationSlackFactor: number
   * The number of past blocks to query in 'eth_getGasFees' RPC request.
  getGasFeesBlocks: number

   * The miner reward "percentile" to query in 'eth_getGasFees' RPC request.
  getGasFeesPercentile: number

   * The URL to access to get the gas price from.
   * This is done instead of reading the 'gasPrice'/'maxPriorityFeePerGas' from the RPC node.
  gasPriceOracleUrl: string

   * For JSON response format, the field to get from the object.
  gasPriceOraclePath: string

   * The absolute maximum priority gas fee the Relay Provider is willing to pay.
  minMaxPriorityFeePerGas: number

   * The maximum number of transactions allowed between last known to the client and returned by the Relay Server.
  maxRelayNonceGap: number

   * The address or type of the Paymaster contract to be used.
  paymasterAddress: Address | PaymasterType

   * Fields required by TokenPaymasterProvider for the supported tokens
  tokenPaymasterDomainSeparators: Record<Address, EIP712Domain>

   * Field required by SingletonWhitelistPaymaster to select the dapp configuration
  dappOwner?: Address

   * If set to 'true' the Relay will not perform an ERC-165 interfaces check on the GSN contracts.
  skipErc165Check: boolean

   * Value used to identify applications in RelayRequests.
  clientId: IntString

   * The number of Penalizer Relay Servers to send the signed transaction for audit.
  auditorsCount: number

   * The number of seconds the RelayRequest will be valid for.
  requestValidSeconds: number

   * The absolute maximum gas limit to pass to a view call and DRY-RUN call.
   * Will override the maximum dictated by block size limits and entries' balances.
  maxViewableGasLimit: IntString

   * The absolute minimum gas limit to pass to a view call and DRY-RUN call.
   * If Paymaster or Worker do not have enough ether to supply it to the view call the request will fail.
  minViewableGasLimit: string

   * The name of preconfigured network. Supported values: "ganacheLocal", "ethereumMainnet", "arbitrum".
  environment: Environment

   * The maximum length of the 'approvalData' parameter.
  maxApprovalDataLength: number

   * The maximum length of the 'approvalData' parameter.
  maxPaymasterDataLength: number

   * The URL that will be read to fill in the necessary fields in client configuration.
  clientDefaultConfigUrl: string

   * If set to 'true' the client will request the default configuration from {@link clientDefaultConfigUrl}.
  useClientDefaultConfigUrl: boolean

   * If set to 'true' the client will make the view call to the RelayHub before requesting user signature for Request.
  performDryRunViewRelayCall: boolean

   * In case there is an issue making an 'estimateGas' from a Forwarder address, make it from the real sender address.
   * Note that the estimation will not be precise in this case as '_msgSender' will consume significantly less gas.
  performEstimateGasFromRealSender: boolean

   * The number of Relay Servers to be pinged simultaneously.
  waitForSuccessSliceSize: number

   * The number of milliseconds to wait after the first Relay Server responds to the ping before picking a winner.
  waitForSuccessPingGrace: number

   * The name of the EIP-712 Domain Separator field. Note that this is usually the name of the request the
   * users will see in MetaMask or other wallets.
   * Note: The domain type must be first registered on-chain by calling 'Forwarder::registerDomainSeparator'.
  domainSeparatorName: string

   * If {@link verifierServerApiKey} is configured the GSN Client will make an Approval Request to this URL.
  verifierServerUrl?: string

   * The API key to send as part of an Approval Request to the Verifier Server at {@link verifierServerUrl}.
   * It is used to associate the GSN Client with the account that will be charged for the gas off-chain.
   * Note: in some cases it may be important to keep this API Key secret and avoid exposing it to the browser.
  verifierServerApiKey?: string